Thursday, May 17, 2012

Here We Go Again!

Wow, I let this blog go for awhile. But mind you, it was a busy semester. And now it's over. But not just my semester - all of college. I now have a Bachelor's degree in geography, and I have no idea how that happened. I don't feel equipped to go into the real world. What am I doing next? That is the question that everyone has for me. And I have an answer! I will be interning with the Leadership Development Program at Hope Community Church here in Minneapolis. I'm SO excited for it! Anyway, I want to start blogging again. I like getting my thoughts down on [metaphorical] paper. And if someone reads it, that's cool, I guess. Love.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Simple truth. [It never grows old.]

Well, I've kind of let my blog go for the past few months. So I feel kind of silly starting to write again. However, feeling kind of silly has never stopped me before. Here goes.

I'm going back to Minneapolis on Thursday (I'm currently on winter break in Illinois to give you some reference), and I must say these past few weeks have been unexpectedly blessed. I've been having great family time, I've spent precious time with God, I've re-connected with some high school friends, and I've been able to have good conversations on the phone with college friends. I've done some reading, played some basketball, dominated some video games with my nephew. You know. The usual in that regard.

The pastor at my grandma's church said something yesterday about this (being unexpectedly blessed) that struck me. He said that we know God is good and that He loves us - therefore we should never stop looking for His blessings. A simple truth, but one that I needed reminded of.

One thing is plaguing me though. What the heck am I supposed to do after I graduate in May? I've been asking and looking, but the answer hasn't come. I'll keep waiting patiently, I guess. Pray with me?
