Saturday, February 26, 2011


I've been sick for the past week and a half. But that hasn't stopped awesome things from happened! Sorry if you get annoyed with me saying that every post. But it's true. My life is quite happenin'.

First of all, I have a HUGE praise to report. I just had a friend accept Christ this week! Oh my word! I've been praying for this girl ever since I met her, and God has totally come through. Praise the Lord!! Please be praying for her new faith and growth. It's not easy being a French believer. Especially a new one.

Hmmmm. What else? Everything else seems to pale in comparison to that. This has been a week of tests for me. I had one on Monday, one on Wednesday, and one on Thursday. The first two went well, but I basically got my butt handed to me on Thursday. Which reminds me. My friend, Adam, and I went out for dinner on Thursday, and I spent the evening teaching him very useful American phrases like:

"I got my butt handed to me."

"Back up the bus!"
"Hold the phone."
"I give you props."

And others :) I'm sure he'll thank me later.

So now that those 3 tests are done, it's vacation for me! I don't have class this upcoming week! YESSSSS. Feels good. And mind you, this is not spring break. We get two week of break at Easter, too. :P

Tonight was so fun, though! I went to my friends apartment and watched Dragonball Z. In French. As a pre-teen, I loved Dragonball Z. And honestly, I still do. So Julien decided that he and I will watch every episode while I'm in France. ALL 270 OF THEM. But, to make it educational, we're watching them in French. They're voices are horrible - so disappointing.

But anyway, I went to Julien's knowing fully that we would watch DBZ. However, I did not know we would watch it for 3.5 hours. That was a little too much, I will admit. And he wants to watch more tomorrow. Maybe I should? I still have 255ish episodes to go before July. :|

After leaving Julien's at 10:30 or so, I was walking home. It's about a 10 minute walk, and as I'm walking, I hear someone call my name. I look across the street, and who do I see? Yann and Josias! They're two French Agape members. They had just watched True Grit (in French, of course) and were grabbing a bite to eat. They asked me to join them, and I can't say no to Yann. That's why I watched hockey last week. Which I don't regret at all.

So I sat with them. And we talked in Franglais. Most of it was French, but sometimes, I had to revert to English. But anyway, we talked. In Franglais. For 2 hours. About religious history and accents and dancing and Bollywood. It was so much fun and a total unexpected blessing. God is so good to me :)


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