Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Wouldn't Give This All Up for You

It's officially break! Yay! I don't have class all week! I pray this week is restful but also that I take full advantage of it. I want to work on support raising for project a ton. I also want to spend a lot of time in prayer. That's something that's fallen to the wayside as I've gotten busier the past two weeks or so.

I started reading a new book yesterday - The Great Divorce by C.S Lewis. I think I'm becoming a C.S Lewis junky. Oops. There are worse things to be addicted to, right?

You may not know this, but I have a disorder. Some call it Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I call it that, too, but I just wanted to vary my sentence structure. Anyway, because of this disorder (disclaimer: I've never actually been diagnosed. I doubt that I actually have it, in reality) I make lists. That's one reason why I love post-its. I can make a list and stick it on my wall. Goodness, the day I discovered the "Stickies" application on my Mac was such a good day. Here is a list of things I tend to make lists of:

- Books I Want to Read

These lists tend to have time limits. For example, "The Christmas Break Reading List"; "Books of the Bible to Read Next"; or "Books I Have to Read Before I Can Buy More Books".

- To-Do Lists
These also have time limits: day, week, weekend, month. They can vary dramatically in length. Sometimes they're as long as my arm. Other times they're only two items long.

- Groceries

I never remember what I need while I'm actually at the store.

- Things I've never done that I want to do soon
Right now, I would like to share part of that particular list with you. Because this week is break, I plan on marking a lot of things off that list. While in France, I have a special "Things I Will Soon Do for the First Time" list.

These things tend to be small. But I love going on what I call "Non-Adventurous Adventures". Also known as "Doing Things I've Never Done Before". Two weeks ago, I went to a hockey match for the first time. Yesterday, I rode the red tram for the first time. Today, I had a conversation in French on the phone for the first time. Next week, I will eat sushi for the first time. Things I also plan on doing soon:

- Going to the zoo in Montpellier
- Riding the blue tram to the end of the line
- Getting my hair cut in France
- Going to a club

Exciting, I know. I'll keep you updated on my adventures. I promise :)


1 comment:

  1. Jordan! I am soo happy you're having a great time in France! I miss you and I hope to see you this summer! I hope you have a good time doing all those things you've never done and have fun at the club. You'll have to tell me all about it when you get back. I'm sure it's MUCH better than American clubs :) Well come back soon so I can hear all the gossip about the cute French boys!!
    Love you,
