Saturday, March 19, 2011

My New Favorite Thing

I'm going to preface this post with saying that one of my new favorite things is saying "my new favorite thing". I know I've always been one to exaggerate and use superlatives. This is just supporting that fact, I believe.

I'm also a person of phases. I think this is true of most people; mine are typically shorter than most, I think. Maybe I'm wrong, though. For example, here are a few of my phases that I've gone through in my life:

Curling my hair. This phase has actually happened twice. Both times it lasted approximately 3 weeks; these phases were approximately 2 years apart. Both times I just got lazy and quit curling my hair.

When I was about 13 or 14, I was obsessed with lighthouses for approximately 2 months. I thought they were the most beautiful things. I talked about them all the time. Then, I was so abruptly over them. The downfall to this: the ending to this phase happened about 3 days before Christmas. Most things I received for Christmas were lighthouse related. Young teen Jordan was disappointed that no one saw this change in interests coming. Even back then, I knew how easily my interests changed.

Edgar Allan Poe. This lasted about a month and a half one summer. I wanted to read everything he had ever written. I don't this phase at all (or most of them in fact), because he wrote some great stuff, and I enjoyed reading it. I still read him from time to time.

Taking Vitamins. I'm a little ashamed of this one. Only because I know I should take vitamins all the time. But I don't. About two years ago, I used to take a multi-vitamin every day. That lasted less than two months. Then I just forgot about it. Recently, however, I've been taking one every day because I've been living on coffee and yogurt (because that's all I have in my apartment), and I feel guilty about my poor diet. So I take a vitamin to make myself feel better.

But okay. Those are past phases. On to my current new favorite things! This will just be a list, because who knows how long these will last.

Saying "My New Favorite Thing"
Listening to French rap music.
Drinking tea
Painting my nails
Writing down new French words that I'm learning

And finally, I think it would be nice to share with you my loves that have spanned the test of time (well, I haven't gotten tired of them yet). I swear, I'm not super fickle. I hope.

- Jesus. [He's not one to get over, though. He'll always be around :) ]
- My love for sleeping.
- Dancing.
- Really nerdy love, part a: Dragonball Z.
- Really nerdy love, part b: Star Trek.
- Angst-filled music.

I'm sure there's others. But if I tell you everything about myself now, what will we talk about in the future?


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