[Just to clarify, the title of this post is not saying that I love these things more than I love you. It means I love these things more than you love these things. I know, of course, that I can't know this. I hope you're not offended.]
I recently realized that there are certain things that I absolutely love. They make me so excited when I see them, hear them, think about them, etc. This isn't bizarre; I'm convinced that everyone has their own particular little quirks. I just thought I'd share mine with you.
-The way French people say my name. As far as I know, no one's name is pronounced the exact same way in both languages. Duh. But I love the way they say my name. And I hate the way I try to say it in the French accent. One of my goals by the time I leave is to be able to say my name like my French friends do. When I come home, I may not be able to say my name in the American way. We'll see how that goes.
---[Side note. I hate trying to introduce myself to French people. It takes 2 or 4 times for them to understand. It's no fault of theirs. It's because of the reason mentioned above.]
-Highlighters. I don't actually use highlighters that often. The pages in my Bible are too thin, so I underline. I take some notes in class, but I write down what's important. Why highlight the most important of the important? That's overkill. Nevertheless, I almost always have my yellow highlighter with me. I'm convinced it's an object of security for me.
-Saying really outrageous things.
Honestly, I just love saying things that couldn't possibly be true. I call almost everything my favorite thing ever. I say things are the best when they are just good. Sometimes I say things that aren't true just to be outrageous. Not lying. For example, if we're talking about 1879, I might say that I remember it because I was just a wee lass back then. I don't say this to be funny. I just say it because it couldn't possibly be true. I used to think that one day I'd grow out of this, but I really don't want to.
That's all I've got for now. Life here is going quite well. Today is my first day of break! We get too weeks off because of Easter! When you throw weekends (and the fact that I don't have class Friday), that's a lot of time without classes. I have 3 goals for these two weeks: spend time with God, work on support raising for summer project, and get tan. That's it. And I'm gonna call it in that order, too. Which never happens with my lists. Oops. That was shear coincidence.
Keep praying for us here, please. We need it.
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