Saturday, April 30, 2011

Honestly [Today I'll trust You with a confidence of a man who's never known defeat.]

I'm in a much better frame of mind today than I have been for quite a while. Honestly, the last month has had some really rough moments. But God and I have been slowly [read: pain-stakingly] working through this.

Last night, I got a text from a French friend, Yann. He asked if I wanted to see Thor with him at 8. Since I hadn't done anything that day and because I hadn't seen Yann in over a week, I said yes. Well, it ended up being me, Yann, Ben, Albin, and Christian. And let me tell you, those French men are crazy when they're together. I got to hear about how hott Natalie Portman is, they did weird [maybe secret, but I doubt it] handshakes, and they raved about the movie. I never felt awkward, and I contributed a little [yeah, the movie was good; I prefer Thor to Natalie Portman, etc]. Honestly, though, I felt more like an anthropologist thrown into a French college guy's natural habitat. So I mostly just observed. It was fun.

I also liked analyzing my interactions with all of them. At first I thought it would be some sort of direct relationship with how much time I've spent with them individually. I was wrong. You have to consider their relationships with each other as well. It turns out [though I knew this previously] that I was with 2 sets of best friends. However, I'm very good friends with 1 man from each set. But I know one of those far better than the other. Confused yet? However, I also know the third man far better than the fourth. To explain:

::::: There are 4 French men: A, B, C, D. A and B are best friends, as are C and D. I'm very close to A and C, though A more than C. B and I kind of know each other, though I think of all of them, I technically met him first. D and I are slowly becoming good friends as my French progresses. [Side note: I consider A the biggest contributor to my French progress]. So to break this down even further, I will use a diagram with relative proximity to me.

:: Me::::A:::C:::::D:::::::::::::B.

I think that's pretty accurate.

Moving on. The movie was pretty good. It may have been my first 3D movie? Save the ones I saw in junior high at the Omnimax theater. And it was all in French. But I understood most of it. I consider that a win.

I think this morning, I started a new tradition for myself. Unless I have something else to do, I will spend extra time in bed on Saturday mornings reading a Biblical commentary. It was quite enjoyable. Now, I just have to get my hands on a few more. I'm also starting a new journal either tomorrow or the next day [depending on how much I write today]. I believe this is somehow related to what I just said. If not, that's okay.

Tonight, I'll be attending a casual dinner. Why? Because Elder is back in Montpellier! Who is Elder, you ask? Only one of my favorite people in the entire year. Mostly, I just like the peculiar story of our friendship. We met in Montpellier last summer. It was my first week of summer project, and I went to the The-O-Show [a French discussion group that Agape puts on]. I was at a table with Craig [a STINTer], Ben [a French Christian philosophy major], Jonas [I believe one of my friends called him the French version of Paul, evangelically], and Elder [a Colombian Christian in his early 30's who had lived in France for a few years]. The topic that night was harmony, and we had a good discussion. Thankfully, everyone at my table spoke English.

The next Sunday, I'm sitting on the end of the row at church with my summer project, and someone plops down next to me. It was Elder! We ended up sitting by each other at church for the next 4 or 5 Sundays. We'd always talk awhile after church, too. Whenever I hear the song "Blessed Be the Name", I think of Elder, because that's his favorite song. Though in French, it's "Beni Soit Ton Nom".

My last night in Montpellier, Elder invited me over for dinner at his apartment and told me to bring a few friends. I brought two: one from Mexico [Elder requested I invite her, as he wanted to speak Spanish] and my French friend Julien [he and Elder were already friends lol]. It was a blast!

Elder and I have e-mailed a few times the past few months, and I'm excited to see him tonight. So excited.

"And as He stands in victory, sin's curse has lost its grip on me..."


Thursday, April 28, 2011

More [Praise to the Giver of good things.]

I've been having a lot of thoughts lately. Haha, what a way to start a blog post. But anyway, back to my original train of thought [as I never know how long these will last], I've been thinking a lot lately. Nothing too profound, but closer to profound than not profound. Profound to me, maybe not to the rest of the world. But isn't that what profound is? It changes us... to heck with everyone else's reactions.

So I'm sitting at my desk looking out my window. As it has been the past few days, it's a little cloudy today. Not too bad, just more clouds than not clouds in the sky. I'm sitting at my desk [but on my bed, never in my desk chair. with the computer perched perfectly near the corner]. I have a mug of coffee even though it's 12:23pm. Instant Starbucks. Caramel flavored. It's in my mom's old mug that says "Janet". Under her name it says, "Character: A compassionate person whose concern for others is great, your thoughtful actions inspire and continually motivate. With people you extend a deep, tender, loving care, making your special heart exceptional and rare." I miss my mom.

I'm a different person than the last time I talked to her. This bothers me a little. But I do like the person I'm becoming. I think she would, too.

Lately, I've been breaking one of my general life rules. I've been reading 5 books at the same time. If you count books of the Bible that number jumps up to 7. Usually I read a maximum of 3 books at one time: a book for fun, an Old Testament book, and a New Testament book. When I say an OT book, that generally means Psalms. I like to read a Psalm a day. Or two if that day's Psalm was short. But I have a lot of extra time on my hands right now [we don't have class this week or next week].

My dad sent me Narnia. All 7 books in one big volume. I read the first two, now I'm taking a brief break. I'm reading The Problem of Pain by C.S Lewis. I'm reading More Than a Carpenter in French. I'm reading a commentary on Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. I'm reading 2 Samuel right now. I'm reading Mark, but only on my date nights with Jesus. I'm reading the Psalms. I think that's it. I'm not really close to finishing any of them. Well, I'm almost done with Psalms, but I may start Proverbs after that. D'habitude.

I went to the museum on Saturday because it was raining. It was kind of boring, but I loved being with my friend Josias, Marelie, Albin, and Spencer. They're fun. Easter was really good - church, lunch with the STINTers, games afterward, a long time with Katy, and calling home to finish off my night. So good. The next few days were boring, but yesterday many of us went to a friend's place for lunch. We ended up staying about 5 hours or so. Today I'm going to the beach I think. For a book club. Hence More than a Carpenter in French.

I'm a future girl. That is to say, I think about the future a lot. I read in a book once that this isn't good. We should constantly be in the present because it is more like eternity than the past or the future. Because all time is the present for God. Crazy to think about, huh? It also said that the past is better to think about than the future because it has at least had the present run through it. Anyway, I think about the future a lot. I think about the person I want to become.

I want to write. I want to love. I want to labor. I want to not struggle with the things I'm struggling with now. But why do I put these things away on the shelf of some time that may never come? Why don't I do these things now? So I'm trying to. And I've starting praying for self-control, because I realized I don't have as much of that as I'd like. And if God wishes to grow spiritual fruit in us, why would he not answer that prayer? In His timing, of course. Which may very well not be now. He knows better than I do, though I often don't live like I believe that.

The other side of my mom's mug has a 'list' of things about the name "Janet".
- Personality: "Engaging, decisive, and wise. You are easy to be with and others seek out your kind company."
- Origin: Hebrew. Meaning: God is gracious. Number: 4 [what?].
- Color: Turquoise. Animal: Ladybug [what? I'm allergic to these]. Plant: Tulip
- Variations: Jan, Janna, Janeta, Janette, Jannet, Jennetta.


"If You, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with You there is forgiveness; therefore, You are feared." - Psalm 130:3-4

Forgiveness leads to fear?


Friday, April 22, 2011

Things I Probably Love More Than You.

[Just to clarify, the title of this post is not saying that I love these things more than I love you. It means I love these things more than you love these things. I know, of course, that I can't know this. I hope you're not offended.]

I recently realized that there are certain things that I absolutely love. They make me so excited when I see them, hear them, think about them, etc. This isn't bizarre; I'm convinced that everyone has their own particular little quirks. I just thought I'd share mine with you.

-The way French people say my name. As far as I know, no one's name is pronounced the exact same way in both languages. Duh. But I love the way they say my name. And I hate the way I try to say it in the French accent. One of my goals by the time I leave is to be able to say my name like my French friends do. When I come home, I may not be able to say my name in the American way. We'll see how that goes.

---[Side note. I hate trying to introduce myself to French people. It takes 2 or 4 times for them to understand. It's no fault of theirs. It's because of the reason mentioned above.]

-Highlighters. I don't actually use highlighters that often. The pages in my Bible are too thin, so I underline. I take some notes in class, but I write down what's important. Why highlight the most important of the important? That's overkill. Nevertheless, I almost always have my yellow highlighter with me. I'm convinced it's an object of security for me.

-Saying really outrageous things.
Honestly, I just love saying things that couldn't possibly be true. I call almost everything my favorite thing ever. I say things are the best when they are just good. Sometimes I say things that aren't true just to be outrageous. Not lying. For example, if we're talking about 1879, I might say that I remember it because I was just a wee lass back then. I don't say this to be funny. I just say it because it couldn't possibly be true. I used to think that one day I'd grow out of this, but I really don't want to.

That's all I've got for now. Life here is going quite well. Today is my first day of break! We get too weeks off because of Easter! When you throw weekends (and the fact that I don't have class Friday), that's a lot of time without classes. I have 3 goals for these two weeks: spend time with God, work on support raising for summer project, and get tan. That's it. And I'm gonna call it in that order, too. Which never happens with my lists. Oops. That was shear coincidence.

Keep praying for us here, please. We need it.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Binge Reading

I just finished reading my first French book, Le Petit Prince [The Little Prince]. It was only 95 pages long, and there were pictures on a lot of pages. But it was so deep, so profound. I'm still trying to process it.

Basically, the narrator meets The Little Prince in the desert when his vehicle breaks down. The Little Prince detests big people for various reasons - all of them valid. The Little Prince tells the narrator about traveling from planet to planet meeting different types of big people: a king, a businessman, etc. They spend 8ish days in the desert talking, then the Little Prince has to go back to his planet to take care of his flower. He can't do this without dying.

Anyway, it was in French, so I'm sure I missed a lot. But I plan on reading it in English as soon as I get back to the States.

I also just finished reading The Color Purple by Alice Walker after starting it 2.5 days ago. It helps that I'm sick, but it was a fast read. My friend, Philippe, had a book list for his English class and bought The Color Purple to read. But he started it, said it was hard, and let me borrow it. It would definitely be hard for a non-native English speaker to read.

It's about 2 African-American sisters living in the south in the early 1900's, and the words are written just how they would be pronounced. Some of it was difficult for me to understand. Anyway, it was a really interesting book. There were a lot of dark things, some thoughts about God, and I cried at the end. That's all I have to say about it. Oh, and I'm not suggesting you read it. If you want to, do it. But I have a lot of other books that I'd recommend.

I finished reading Joshua, too, which was the commencement (gosh, I'm so French right now) of reaching my goal of being an Old Testament scholar. Joshua was good, of course. Lots of key history, super applicable verses, and a beautiful analogy of following the law vs. Jesus (thanks to my good friend, Aaron, for pointing that one out to me). This particular book, I would highly recommend.

Now onto Judges and The Chronicles of Narnia. I hope this reading binge lasts a long time.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One of These Things is Not Like the Other.

It's Monday. I enjoy Mondays in general. Depending on the semester. And this semester, Mondays aren't bad at all. I only have 2.5 hours of class and then English club is in the evening. I love English club.

So today is Monday which means that yesterday was Sunday. And what happened yesterday? Beaucoup de chose. But I'd like to talk about one thing in particular: Le Culte en Commun. What is that? Never fear; I'm going to tell you.

First of all, I'd like to just say that sometimes French words and English words aren't the same. Duh, right? But many words in the two languages are similar. So when you come across a word that looks like an English word, you can often guess the meaning. However, this doesn't work all the time. When the meaning is something completely different, we call this set of words "Faux amis" or "False friends". I hate them.

[Side note: I do have a favorite pair of false friends. "Preservatif" does not mean "preservative". It means "condom". I find this very funny.]

Anyway, all this was said to help explain Le Culte en Commun. In French, a "culte" is not a "cult". It is a religious service or a worship service. So Le Culte en Commun was just that. A common worship service.

Not common as in ordinary. Common as in together. Like having things in common. Maybe communal was a better explanation. But I trust you get the idea.

So yesterday, most of the Protestant churches (I was told all, but I don't know if that's true) in Montpellier got together and had one big church service in the Corum (which is like a big auditorium in the center of town). They do this every 2 years, and it was amazing! We sang together, prayed together, and listened to a few people speak briefly. It was so moving to worshiping the One and Only God with these French believers. It gave me so much hope for this city.

At the same time, it saddened me though. I was sitting in the balcony (which wasn't full) and was looking down on the lower level (which wasn't full), and all I could think was that there are probably more people that attend one church in Minneapolis like Bethlehem Baptist or Hope Community than were in the Corum that morning. I pray that I'm bad at estimating.

But praising God together was great. Most of Agape had come, and we all sat together, which was wonderful. After we went to the Skurs and had pancakes :) What a lovely day.

Pray for the people here. Pray for more laborers. Pray that God moves in this city in a big way.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Trip to Paris and Other Random Happenings.

Life in Montpellier has still been trucking along. I can't believe it's already April! I'll only be in France for 3 more months! Which seems like a long time, but the time has been going so fast! I do miss home, though. Mostly people at home that I love. But life here is good. My French is improving still. I've been spending a lot of time with friends still. I have quite the nice routine.

Since it's been a long, I'll share a few random stories from the past 2 weeks. And these probably won't be in chronological order, I'm guessing. Because my mind doesn't work like that.

- Last night was The-O-Show. I'm not sure if I've talked about it before, but it's a discussion group that Agape puts on every other week. Each The-O-Show has a different theme (harmony, forgiveness, good news or bad news, love, the rights of man, etc). It's just a great place for believer and non-believers to come together and discuss their ideas about said topics. It's in French (unless you're lucky [unlucky?] and get a English speaking table), and I LOVE it! Last night, the theme was the rights of man, and I was at a table with 2 STINTers, 3 philosophy majors, and a French man who's been a believer for a month. It was intense and awesome. MIND BLOWN.

- The message at church 2 Sundays ago was epic. It was about catastrophes and bad things that happen, but God is still good through it all. Because God is completely good and completely powerful. It was super applicable and encouraging.

- Oh, I went to Paris last weekend! It was amazing! I met my good friend, Megan, there. We're in the same Bible study at the U of M, and she's spending the semester in London. So we met in Paris for the weekend! Yay!! We saw the Eiffel Tower, the Moulin Rouge, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, the Catacombs, and tons of other things! It was great to get away from Montpellier for the first in 2.5 months and to see Megan again. But by Sunday afternoon, I was ready to get back and get back to work!

- A random man came up to me on campus yesterday and asked me for my name. I asked him why. He told me that I was beautiful and that he'd like to see me again. I didn't know what to say, as this was quite forward. After the conversation, all I could think about was that I'd just talked to this completely random French man in French and ONLY French for like 4 minutes. And it was easy. BOOM. Success.

Anyway, I'm distracted now, and thus out of stories. But I do have prayer requests!

Please pray:
-I'll continue to take steps of faith.
-For more spiritual conversations.
-For the faith of the new believers here. And the older believers. And every believer.
-That God will raise up laborers for France: French and others.
-That laborers here will depend on God, not on themselves.

Hmmm. That is all for now.
