I've now entered the Last 25 Hours in the United States part of my life. Oh gosh, that sounds like this is permanent. It's not. At least, I don't think it is. I have no idea what tomorrow or 6 months will bring.
"Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.' As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil." (James 4:13-16)
These goodbyes that I've been saying are all quite different. There's the "Let's not actually talk about it" kind of goodbye. Where you talk about everything else but the fact that you won't be seeing each other for 6 months. Then at the end of the conversation, we say "See you soon!", hug briefly, and go our separate ways. This goodbye is brief and fairly easy. I can't decide if I like it though.
Another type of goodbye is the Overly Dramatic, Tear-Inducing, Drawn-Out goodbye. I HATE THIS. It's not that end of the world that we won't be seeing each other anytime soon. And we'll still be in contact. So a 2 minute hug while crying isn't going to make the goodbye easier. It's just going to annoy most people who are witnessing this. Then they'll feel like there's something wrong with them. Like maybe they're emotionless sea-monsters. Or just like their friendship means less. Which it doesn't.
Then there's the perfect goodbye. These are few and far between but appreciated greatly. You tell the person briefly what they mean to you ("You're a great friend." "It'll be different around here without you."), you encourage them ("You'll have a great time!" "Can't wait till you're home; we'll be counting down the days!), or you just make it super simple ("I'll miss you. A lot."). Mixtures of these can be appropriate. As is a hug. Tears are not inappropriate. Neither is laughter. Just be real, but be polite and respectful of everyone else involved.
Also: you can get major points for doing little, unexpected things. For example, if you've never hugged before, it may be nice to hug now. If you're good enough friends. Another option is a small gift. Not in a conceited way. But like a little pocket pebble (I just made that up) or something that has some made-up meaning. That could be nice. Saying that you'll be praying for the person is great, too. I'm sure there are other little, unexpected things. But I won't name them. They're unexpected, right?
That being said, these are all generalities. I'm guilty of all of the mistakes mentioned. And this is by no means a request for perfect goodbyes for the rest of my life. I like imperfect ones, too. They make them special and quirky.
So today we'll see how the rest of my goodbyes go. Wait, I'm leaving today? Or tomorrow rather? Where has my life gone? Where has my winter break gone? I'M GOING TO FRANCE?!?! Those thoughts have been in my head for that past few days. And yesterday I was not very excited about going. I was, but you know, the transition week(s) are going to not be fun. Or they could be. I hate being all pessimistic-y.
As I get ready to leave, though, I have other thoughts, too. I want to see Christ in France. There aren't many Christ-followers there, but I want to see Him working. I want to be able to share my faith. I want to grow. I want Him to keep refining me. I want find truth about Him and about myself. I want France to rock me and God's presence in me to rock France. Pray with me?
I'm hoping that we had a perfect goodbye? I mean it was on a corner in Dinkytown, so it can't have been the overly sappy one!